Village of Canal Flats Business License Program

Village of Canal Flats Business License Program

Beginning January 1, 2025, all businesses operating within the Village of Canal Flats will require a business license.

The primary purpose of business licenses is to ensure that the Village’s land use regulations, building and fire codes are followed by businesses. The program also collects important information about local business activities which will assist in the direction of Village policy decisions.

As a benefit of being a licensee in good standing, your business will be posted on the Village website in the Business section.

Revenue collected from business licenses is used to pay for the administration and enforcement of the business license program.

New Application $75.00
Renewal Fee $75.00
Discount for renewal prior to January 31st of each year $25.00

To obtain a license, please complete the application form available on our website or pick one up at the Village office. Once received, Village staff will review your application to make sure it is complete. The review required will depend on the type of business activity.

You can find the Business License Bylaw on our website at Canal Flats – Document Center

For more information, please contact the Village office at 250-349-5462 or