On April 3 at 1:30 p.m. Canal Flats Fire Rescue was dispatched by 911 for a stump on fire North of the subdivision (Tamarack Street) and Martin Morigeau School. It appears an accelerant was used to ignite the fire. On April 4 at 1:30 p.m. the...
More infoFire Department seeking feedback
Are you or have you been a member of Canal Flats Fire Rescue? If so they to hear from you. Currently the department is working on improving emergency response in the community as well as improving the experience of volunteers. If you have been...
More infoMarch 27 Council Update
On March 27 Village of Canal Flats Council met for a regular council meeting. First up for discussion on the agenda was a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) for a property located at 8855 Dunn St. As the property belongs to councilor Anora Kobza, she...
More infoMarch 13 Council Update
On March 13 the Village of Canal Flats council met for a short regular council meeting. First up, council received a letter from the Columbia Basin Trust confirming grant funding for a new housing project. More information on this project will...
More infoFireSmart committee hosts first meeting
In recent years, wildfires have impacted many communities around the province and, with climate change, are burning hotter and longer. When the towns of Lytton and Monte Lake were significantly impacted in 2021 it was a stark reminder we need...
More infoReflecting on International Women’s Day
Across the province of B.C., around 35 per cent of councillors in local governments are women. While parity has yet to be realized in many communities, in the Village of Canal Flats women hold 60 per cent of elected seats representing village...
More infoFebruary 27 Council Update
On February 27 the Village of Canal Flats council met for a regular council meeting. They received two letters, the first was from the Ombudsperson for the Province of B.C. welcoming council to their new roles and informing them about...
More infoCouncil presents strategic plan
On February 23 the Village of Canal Flats council hosted a public information session at the Civic Centre, thank you to everyone who attended to learn more and ask questions about the village’s strategic plan. For those unable to attend, please...
More infoSeeking feedback on timing of council meetings
During the February 13 regular council meeting, council discussed updating the scheduled times for regular council meetings and committee of the whole meetings. Currently, meetings are held every two weeks on Mondays, starting with the...
More infoVillage supports community through grants in aid
During the Feb. 13 regular council meeting, council reviewed applications for 2023 Grants in Aid. Applications for the grant open each year and allow the village to provide financial support to groups that benefit the community. This year...
More infoFebruary 13 council update
Many resolutions were before council at this weeks Feb. 13 regular council meeting. Council started out hearing a request from the Canal Days Committee for the civic centre, arena, downtown park and Tilley Memorial Park to be available for...
More infoCouncil adopts strategic plan, public information session to follow
At the Feb. 13 regular council meeting the Village of Canal Flats council unanimously adopted a strategic plan. The plan, which outlines three key priorities and goals and tasks within them, was developed to outline specific steps being taken...
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