The Village of Canal Flats would like to remind all residents that dog licenses are available for purchase at the Village office. All dogs in the community must be licensed, fees are $10 for spayed or neutered dogs and $30 for intact or open...
More infoThe Canal Flats FireSmart™ Program
The Canal Flats FireSmart™ Program FireSmart™ Canada is a national program that helps Canadians increase neighborhood resilience to wildfire and minimize its negative impacts. It was founded in 1993 to address common concerns about wildfire in...
More infoNotice of Intent to Consider Council Procedure Bylaw No. 265, 2023
Celebrating 50 Years of Community Spirit at Canal Flats Arena
The Village of Canal Flats would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone that attended the Canal Flats Arena 50th anniversary celebration and everyone who supported the Upper Deck Concession grand opening. During the Upper Deck...
More infoEmpowering Canal Flats: Unveiling Leadership Excellence & Vision for Community Flourishing
In a move indicative of their commitment to continual improvement and effective governance, the Leadership Team at the Village of Canal Flats recently concluded the second session of their comprehensive leadership program. These meticulously...
More infoAffordable Childcare Program’s
Dear Parents, Are you aware that significant subsidies can considerably reduce your childcare fees? Let us enlighten you! The Village of Canal Flats Daycare benefits from two substantial subsidy programs aimed at reducing childcare expenses for...
More infoLearning to Lead – Leadership Team Development
June 14, 2023, marked the start of an incredible learning opportunity for the Village of Canal Flats leadership team. Sjac Pronk, Mathieu Fournier, Sylvie Hoobanoff, Zacc Farrell, Annette Robinson and Ashley Nielsen are all participating in the...
More infoQuarterly Council Update
“This will be a year of firsts!”, Councilor Jennifer Noble shared – in which Councilor’s Patricia Reed and Anora Kobza echoed as all the council member’s are serving for their first time. This first quarter for The...
More infoLand Acquisition – Attainable Housing
The Village of Canal Flats is excited to announce the recent purchase of lands, through a grant, to support our Attainable Housing and Childcare Society projects. This purchase will allow us to address the urgent need for affordable and safe...
More infoPark Development
Dear residents of the Village of Canal Flats, I am excited to share some news that I believe will be of great interest to the members of our community. Recently, the Village of Canal Flats has purchased the property next to the daycare at the...
More infoVillage of Canal Flats Attainable Housing and Childcare Society – NEW
Dear residents of the Village of Canal Flats, I am pleased to announce that the Village of Canal Flats is proud to support the new non-profit society dedicated to addressing the urgent need for attainable housing and childcare services in our...
More infoCommunity Enhancement Coordinator hired
The Village of Canal Flats welcomes Carole Timmerman to the team. We are thrilled to welcome our new community enhancement coordinator to Canal Flats. Carole arrival comes at an exciting time as we continue to work towards building a more...
More info