Sewer Upgrade Council Initiative – Petition Against

Final results of the Council initiative subject to petition against are in and both proposed bylaws have passed the public response period, which closed Feb. 16, 2021, 4:30 p.m.

Bylaw 233 – a bylaw to authorize borrowing up to $250,000 to fund the Village’s portion of a $913,000 grant application to rebuild the sewage lagoons in Canal Flats: Opposition forms received from 41 properties with a total assessed value of $8,703,900. This is out of a total of 494 properties (comprising the whole Canal Flats Sewer Service Area) with a total assessment of $102,280,700.00.

Bylaw 234 – a bylaw to authorize borrowing up to $700,000 to replace lift station #1 in Canal Flats: Opposition forms received from 37 properties with a total assessed value of $7,548,200. This is out of a total of 494 properties (comprising the whole Canal Flats Sewer Service Area) with a total assessment of $102,280,700.00.

In order to defeat either of the bylaws 247 properties with a total assessed value greater than $51,140,350 would have had to have submitted opposition forms by the deadline.

The bylaws will go to an upcoming Council meeting for adoption.