BC Hydro: 1.800.224.9376
Propane (heat):
Superior: 1.855.539.5862
Lo-Cost: 1.888.446.1047
Municipal Rates (2025):
- Water (residential) – $340 annually, (commercial) – $340/yr unless otherwise itemized in current Fees and Charges Bylaw
- Sewage (residential) – $210 annually, (commercial) – $149/yr unless otherwise itemized in current Fees and Charges Bylaw
- Garbage – residents take garbage (no charge for household garbage/yard waste) to the Regional District of East Kootenay transfer station (10km south of Canal Flats)
- Recycling – no service/fee. Local drop-off bins for cardboard, glass, plastic. Bottles/cans and end-of-life electronics go to Bottle Depot in Invermere (40 km north). Other household items (in working order) can be recycled at the Re-Use-It Centre (Columbia Valley Landfill 30 km north).