Animal Bylaws

The Village of Canal Flats would like to remind all residents that dog licenses are available for purchase at the Village office. All dogs in the community must be licensed, fees are $10 for spayed or neutered dogs and $30 for intact or open dogs.

If you require assistance from animal control Carole Timmerman can be reached at (250)-349-5462 or (250)-426-0286 for emergencies.

We would like to remind residents that while we do take verbal complaints seriously, we are unable to take any courses of action until a formal complaint has been filed. All formal complaints are confidential and are handled with the utmost professionalism and regard for all parties involved. Complaint forms can be found here:

Or on The Village of Canal Flats website. You can also have one printed for you at The Discovery Center, Village Office. If you wish to submit your complaint anonymously you may have it placed in the Village post office box 159. Please be aware that all complaint forms do require your name to be valid however we do understand that some people may not be comfortable with bringing the complaint in directly and we want to accommodate to make this process more accessible and convenient for all our residents.

Dog control does not handle nuisance wildlife calls, if you are dealing with a problematic wildlife situation, please call conservation officers at 1-877-952-7277.

We understand that we live in a beautiful area that is abundant with wildlife and we hope that all our domesticated and wild companions can cohabitate with us safely and comfortably, let’s make sure we do our part to ensure this.