Many resolutions were before council at this weeks Feb. 13 regular council meeting.
Council started out hearing a request from the Canal Days Committee for the civic centre, arena, downtown park and Tilley Memorial Park to be available for their event. They also requested a closure of Dunn St. from Burns Ave. to Luck Ave. be closed on June 3 for public exhibits to be able to park adjacent to the park property.
After some discussion council approved the resolution, adding that businesses which may be affected by the June 3 closure must be consulted.
Council then unanimously adopted a privacy policy, council code of conduct and strategic plan.
The code of conduct, required by the province, underpins the strategic plan and holds council members to a high standard. It focuses on consequences for any breaches of conduct to guide behaviour of this and future councils.
The strategic plan is a document which outlines steps the village is taking to implement the official community plan. More information is available here and will be published in the coming weeks
Community grants in aid, adjusted slightly to ensure the village remained within budget, were passed unanimously.
Staff requested council approve $3,500 of grant funds from the 2023/2024 CBT Resident Directed Grants (ReDi Grants) be used to purchase a sign for the dog park, which is currently being developed. Council unanimously approved.
Council approved chief administrative officer Richard Wayken to sign a brush removal agreement with Green Leaf Tree Services Ltd. after a request proposals was posted for a project to improve the dike. Councilor Justin Stanbury inquired about the process for selecting from proposals received and Wayken explained Green Leaf was the most affordable option for the project.
A resolution for council to direct Wayken to sign a Road Use Agreement with Certaineed Canada Inc. was discussed and deferred unanimously after Councilor Jennifer Noble requested more time for council to discuss at an upcoming Committee of the Whole meeting.
Council also directed staff to develop a new procedure bylaw that will alter the times of Committee of the Whole and Regular Council Meetings. Regular Council Meetings will be held at 5 p.m. instead of 6:30 p.m. after public notification. Councilor Noble discussed how she hopes the change would allow for more members of the public to attend and engage with meetings.